Saturday, August 17, 2002

just came back from watching triple x(xXx). it is brainless entertainment done right. just totally not even try to make the story believable. just work on cool shots, and one liners. and to top it off, they did some innovative stunts, and shots. good work. i'd give the story about a 3.5, but the action a 9.5. and an extra 2 points for innovation. so the movie was a 7.5. very solid enjoyable movie. probably not going to own it, but then again, if it gets every played on cable, i'd stand around and watch the cool parts.

but what's up with that GTO? it's the same one on Fast and the Furious right? Not an attractive car. He must personally own it and love it. so anyway, today i went to Tadashi with Jeff, got a Bento box, plus an order of tuna and salmon nigiri sushi. and an order of spicy tuna hand rolls.

wendy's out of town, and i don't have anyone to play tennis with, so i guess i'll be hitting the gym again this weekend. i think i'm gonna do bi's and back on saturdays also, along with the cardio. i also gotta start doing different exercises.

here's my schedule:

monday: chest, triceps, shoulders, abs

tuesday: cardio

wednesday: biceps, back, forearms, abs

thursday: cardio, chest, triceps, shoulders

friday: lower body, abs

saturaday or sun: cardio, biceps, back, forearms

this is truly a refined schedule. if i wanted to work out my lower body more, i'd have to restrict the last schedule to saturday only, and add lower body to tuesday. and i'd still have a rest day on sunday. one thing is for sure though. i gotta get more sleep.

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