Tuesday, April 16, 2002

Man.....I'm sick again....whoop de freakin' do.........if I'm hacking up a storm I might not be able to go to work tomorrow. I was still able to work out today. As a matter of fact, when I was working out, I pretty much forgot that I was sick. Just getting myself to go there was a big struggle. Once I got there, it was better that I ever thought it would be. This cold seems to be really slow progressing.....I hope it doesn't continue the trend. It really messes up my work out schedule.

Today, I had to give a hearing impared guy a jump start. Somehow he instructed me to release the parking brake and steer his car around while he pushes from the front so that we could angle our cars for the jump start. Trying to get a parking spot at UCSD gets harder by the day. : )

Now it's time to read some harry potter 3. : ) Not enough hours in the day I tell ya.

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