Sunday, July 27, 2003

can I handle the truth?

finally got around seeing A Few Good Men. it was a very solid movie. and the movie took place pretty much in doors. no action necessary. i also tried to watch Pet Sematary and Bullet Proof Monk. Other than the fact that they are poorly rated movies, I couldn't really pay attention for more than a few seconds. maybe i'm just in the mood to watch drama and just way too desensitzed for action and gore. everyone knows that there are feel good movies. but what's up with the feel bad movies? i also saw this russian drama called Lilja-4-Ever. Anything with 4 for "for" in it, should have been enough movie. The acting was really poor...yes even in russion, i could see right through the horrible acting by just listening to the dialog...sounded like she was just reading in russian at times. anyway, it was about this girl who got abandoned by her mom, and left to fend for herself in russia. she gets taken advantage of, is pretty much forced into prostitution, then she kills herself. that movie and the word "enjoy" does not go together. it hit an emotion, and some of my abandoment issues. and maybe that's why it has a rating of 8 on IMDB.

one addition to my sleeping "tools" is a leg spacer that raymond picked up for me at brookstone. i probably could have found something less luxurious, but i can't expect a friend to go hunting for a product like i would. so i found out that tempur pedic made one, so i just decided to get one. it opens up about 3 inches in between my legs and knees, and this supposedly gives more breathing room to the sciatic nerves and puts the lumbar area in a more comfortable position. sounds just like what i needed. still, it's not going to be the magical cure. but taking care of my back now and after the operation is and will be one of my highest priorites in life, so i'm glad i got it. it feels good so far. i wish i knew about all this proper sleep stuff and had all this sleeping tools before i got injured. oh well, i might as well wish that i had known lottery numbers in advance if i start talking like that. it's a done deal, i gotta live with it. hopefully after surgery, and proper precautions, this will be the last time i'll need an operation period. i am more keen to my physical health, that's for sure. some of my friends have been telling me of physical injuries and warning signs that they have been experiencing, yet, they don't seem to think its important enough to attend can't blame them cause i was the same way before i got injured. we are not supermen. at least not after we hit our mid 20's.

speaking of which, i'll be turning 25 in about a month from now. hopefully i would have at least had the operation by then. if i am back on my feet by then, i'll probably have my birthday at pampas. great food, and it's pretty damn vacant, so reservations should be easy on a short notice. i'll be celebratining my 25th birthday, and my recovery.....if that is the case.

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