Friday, August 22, 2003

Ryori no Tetsujin (aka Iron Chef)

my new tv thing is Iron Chef. i think soon, i will have watched about 45 episodes of it...nearly all the internet has to offer. unfortunately that's not even half of the series, but they haven't even come out yet on TV (they are still working on dubbing the show in english). iron chef's learning curve is at the very experienced level so its really hard to pick up anything since they go so fast and their ingredients are so complicated. the other show i'm into is Good Eats, and the show is geared towards all the different learning curves, and every show, you learn a great deal in information (history, technique, important key points, and the reasons why you do some things). this show along with some other shows on the food network has inspired me to add one more goal in my list of things to accomplish in my lifetime.

Here are the extra goals besides the obvious (career, family, money):

Learn to play guitar at a professional level (40% there)

Learn to play piano at a professional level

Play blackjack at a professional level (75% there)

Become a certified personal trainer

Become a certified chef at a culinary institute

.....just occured to me that i put too much focus into these extra goals and not enough focus on the important stuff career, family, money. so from now on, for every effort i put into my extra goals, i'll put the same amount of effort for the more important things. thank you blogger for making me notice.

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