Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I've brought all my old posts back.

I decided to merge all the blogs together that I have written over the years.  In 10.5 years, I've managed to write 925 blog posts.  A good percentage of them long posts.  I'm not really a twitter user.  Some thoughts are complex and those need to be shared too.

The reason I removed the posts originally was that I had always started new blogs from scratch and essentially made the other posts unavailable to searches on an unguessable addresses.  The reason I am bringing them back is that I realized a few things.  A lot of my posts had good information on them.  A huge reason why people blog is to make the Internet a better place.  What I mean by that is that the Internet is collection of information.  And if you are the holder of information that is not currently on the Internet, it is your duty to populate the Internet with it.  For example, you discovered a solution to fix a problem that many people are having in the world, and when you searched for it on the Internet it was not easily available, you should blog about it.  This is how the Internet operates.  If no one did this, Internet would be a sad place.  We would be back to figuring things out ourselves or paying someone a lot of money just for a little bit of knowledge.

Another reason why I decided to bring all my old posts back is that I no longer feel like everything I used to think in the past is something I don't identify with.  Instead, what my old posts are is a way to see where I was then and how differently I see things now.  In many ways, I haven't changed at all.  Mostly my priorities and where I focus my time on have changed.

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