Friday, January 12, 2007


Today at 10:58PM, I finished. Exactly a month behind the deadline. Just a little over 21,000 lines of code. 5 months of challenging myself to come up with countless solutions to things that was believed to be impossible. Demading myself to make some critical decisions to design in record time. 5 months of working on it 5 days a week (the last 2 months, 7 days a week). Cutting no corners when it came to having the implementing the best features users would like to have. Its eerie how the product is so close to what I envisioned it to be, yet when I see it in action, I'm still amazed and proud in every way. Its my greatest accomplishment yet. Well no, my greatest accomplishment is my change of lifestyle from having no clue what health and fitness is to the knowledge and action I live my life by. Although I have put myself on break until I get this done, there's no question I'll be returning to the gym as soon as I'm back from orlando. This is the greatest accomplishement when it comes to my need to create, express, and contribute. Its a product that wouldn't have been possible if my life were to have unfolded any differently (whether it was the windfalls or the mild tragic events that has brought me to this point in my life). I wouldn't know what I'd be doing if for example if my life folded a little differently (like I got into a college of my choice). But comparing to the endless possibilities that could have been, comparing those to where I'm at right now, I think the opportunities in front of me are as great as if not greater than any possibitlites I can imagine that I'll ever encounter.

If I were to guess from the beginning, I would have guessed that the compiled code would be less than 1000 lines, and the web interface far less than that. If I had known it was going to be near 10000 lines of compiled code, near 10000 lines of asp, and 1500 lines of stored procedures in t-sql, I definitely would have never started. Good thing I have a tendency to underestimate the time and complexity when it comes to programming.

Enough of that. There is a lot more work to be done.

We are open for business. Finally

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