Tuesday, May 13, 2003

check check

well, actually, this last sunday was my 2 month mark. for some reason i was thinking i was approaching the 3 month mark in about a week. so with such a big herniation (4mm between L4 and L5) i don't think i could be doing any better, so at the 3 month mark...june 11 or so, it looks hopeful that i should be getting back on track.

just so i don't forget, my current symptoms are:

inability to sit without slouching. and doing so causes my spine to really stay curved until i lie down on a flat surface for a long time.

discomfort on the right hip, pain ranging from 0 to 5 lying down.

pain on the right leg, ranging from 1 to 3 lying down.

inability to completely stand up straight.

all levels of pain raise up 3 numbers higher when the medication is wearing off (about the 7th hour).

pain while driving is about 2 to 6 depending on duration and how long i've been outside.

i'll re-evaluate in about 7-10 days.

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