Monday, December 16, 2002

today, my legs were pretty sore, so i didn't think i would make it outside for lunch and pretty much decided to save a walk around campus for another day. then one of the servers crashed, and i had to walk to our different server rooms spread out around campus. and after i got everything back up, i decided to walk around for 30 minutes more and set focus on some stuart art.

even tough it's not part of stuart art (even though it is odd enough to be), these columns are inspired me to walk to the stuart art locations around campus. there are quite a few sites, and i only covered a fraction of them today. these columns appeared about 1.5 years back. i thought they just were remains of a building that used to be there and wondered when they were going to get rid of the ugly ugly columns. and when i found them again today, i realized that they were here to stay. quite tragic because it is at a very modern part of campus and then there are these things that look like they are just temporarily there until someone comes by to pick them up to throw them away. a friend has informed me that they are columns that were part of a ground breaking research that had to do with improving earth quake damage.

yup...concrete balls of different sizes. or UCSDeezNUTS. I think out of all the stuart art out there, this one gets vandalized the most. don't understand why...:) i wonder if anyone has thought of putting a giant fur wig on that thing. that would be funny. so many winning captions passing through my head.....don't have time to chuckle...

supposed to be like the stone henge. but instead of the boulders being round, they are perfect rectangular concrete. it makes me wonder if any of the decision was because of the cost to build it with real rocks. it was supposed to rain heavy all week. i walked around campus with blue skies all around me with no rain in sight.

i don't really think this is stuart art. more like a vis art final project..........pretty trashy, but it made me realize that i had tried just about every soda he managed to get up there. and i can visually recognize them pretty easily. scary isn't it? was the message the artist was trying to say something like, these are the modern fruits of our culture. like fruits, they are covered in a layer with bright colors that would be easily recognizable out of all the different colors of the enviornment like a delicious red apple picked from a tree with green leaves. the outside is an advertisement to bring out the urge to eat/drink the goods that are inside the fruit. or a more simple explanation for this could be a procrastonating vis art student at the last minute walking by the subway dumpster got an idea to just hang some cans on a wire. still think it's a better idea than dihydrogen monoxide. to me, the h2o thing was more of something inspred by a spam that was talked about in snopes rather than something that could be interpreted as art.

well, i shouldn't have laughed too hard at the weather forecasters. about 4pm, things got pretty damn windy.

and then, the rain came, and the drive home was pretty intense.

i've been thinking of turning that web cam around so that the "michael live" has meaning. maybe i'll do it for a week. but my camera is pretty damn crappy. makes my skin appear reddish. i'll consider it turning it tomorrow.

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