Thursday, December 19, 2002

growing up and watching movies, i always thought butterfly knives were so cool looking. then i had found out they were illegal in california. that was really sad news to me. my friend told me that he could get me some in high school but never came through. so a few years ago when i went to tj, i made sure to bring one back. it was something i had been waiting for years to get one in my hand. after i bought it, it looked a little too simple. how are you supposed to all those cool tricks with this simple device? i started thinking that the butterfly knife i got was something other than what i had seen in the movie. but hoping that all the tricks could be done with what i had, i did some research and found a good site that showed you some cool tricks.

michael's buttefly knife demonstration [10 megs] demonstrating 4 open ways to open, and 1 way to close.

my form is a pretty messy because the knife is really worn and wobbly because of the cheap materials used to make it. if you see the red spot on my thumb, yes, that is blood. i have cut myself only twice....both minor cuts. but once a few years ago, and tonight. i had cut myself earlier trying to catch the throwing trick on video. what do you expect? i'm playing with knives here. and i'm holding my camera with my other hand trying to do record a video, a good chunk of my attention is going to me trying to not lose sight of my hand while i'm recording. you might have also noticed that i didn't completely catch the knife correctly on the last trick. but considering i haven't touched the knife for about 2 years, that's not bad.

unfortunately i got in a little late today and didn't have time to go anywhere for lunch, so i just took some pictures around where i had an appointment this afternoon around the Robinson building.

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