Wednesday, August 28, 2002

unlike yesterday, work today seemed excruciatingly long. i think more did not happen today then things that actually happened. i'm trying to get erik, claire, and chuck into the wellness program. ask them about it, they are a little hesitant. but i know inside they all know it is benefiscial to them. and i try to give some words of encouragement and it looks like they're trying to find an excuse without knowing what they are trying to find an excuse for. still, i don't want to push them too hard into doing it. because they need a good amount of self motivation.

i went to the track today. ran/jogged 9 laps, walked 1 to cool down. it was just me on the track today. came home, ate, played some GT3, ate, watched some TV, ate. turns out that i do get WB on local broadcast on channel 69. funny how they chose that channel number. i guess its easy to remember.

life sesson #134298 and #13499

don't put all your eggs in one basket.

friends that don't respect your time, are not your real friends.

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