not much went on today. got some serious work done before 1pm, had a meeting which went pretty well, all things considered (shit breaking and stuff like that). then next time i looked at the clock, it was 4pm. that hydroxycut made me pretty damn jittery today. and the fact that i only got 4.5 hours of sleep last night made it much worse. it reminded me of my senior year at my high school. me and my friend would stay up late at his house doing homework....smoke. and one night we decided to take Vivrin. Damn, that got us so damn jittery we couldn't concentrate on anything. The night of homework was disaster. That's what I felt like all day until I hit the gym. I thought I was going to bonk....but it turns out that I had a lot more energy today. Probably due to Hydroxycut. one tablet made a world of a difference today at the gym. imagine what this thing could do when i'm taking the maximum dosage in about 4 weeks might get a little too damn jittery. oh well, hopefully my body will adjust to it. if i remember correctly, after taking formulean for a week, i didn't feel any side effects anymore. but i don't think it had caffiene in it. just gave me dry mouth. I'm pretty excited about the added strength, that I don't want to do cardio tomorrow. just lift. but i'll stay the course. of course, this could all be a placebo effect. the truth is last monday, i had a pretty weak chest and tri workout. so maybe this week my body is fully healed and this explains how i can do more today. i bench pressed 125lbs today (3 reps) with a little assistance on the last rep.
on a side note, when i got to work this morning, it looked as though my computer got hacked into. what happened was that i was doing some virus test this weekend, and i must have accidnetally triggered it. so the morning was a pain.
after work today, i found a plesant surprise in my mailbox. i stopped getting banana republic bills one month, and i thought i had paid it off. but it turns out it was going to the wrong address. finally got that corrected, and voila, i get 3 $15 certificates. totaling $45. i've been thinking of getting a nice leather jacket from BR this year. pricey but i think they are worth it. everyone needs a good leather jacket.
that schedule i posted below is a pretty tight schedule. i think it'll help me eat really clean. i've never made a schedule like that for myself before. i always went to sleep when i felt like it. who knew that a thing like food and supplement intake would be the thing that would finally make me give in to creating a schedule like that? that schedule will be mainly for weekdays. on weekends i would like to eat out if possible.
after working out, i came home, played some GTA3, and watched "meet my folks". man, the parents were stupid. they eliminated the best guy, and then they had to choose between a porn freak (of the worst kind), or a compulsive liar who doesn't seem to like her that much anyway?
diem's back on track with her workouts starting tomorrow. i hope she knows tomorrow is track day. ;) i hope she doesn't give some lame ass excuse like how she's tired from studying or taking the test. hehe. j/k. valid excuse.
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