latest bit torrent site where you can get your csi, csi miami, 24, smallville, simpsons, and other shows before they even air it on tv.
this is a link to kazaa lite. different than kazaa, because you download about 10 to a 100x more with this program. i've been averaging about 10 gigs a day with this thing.
corey clark has been kicked off american idol. just when he lands his best vocal performance, and gains some fans. was never a fan of corey anyway. if they are going to bring anyone back, my vote is for candice coleman. she has a very smokey and unique voice. kinda like in the category with nora jones. i was hoping that she'd be in the wildcard show. but she wasn't.
a 1000 hp cadillac straight from the factory.
the problem with a cadillac is that their badge/emblem is so infused with old grannies, and pimps from the 70's and 80's. they need to come up with a different line of cars...the way that honda, toyota, and nissan do with acura, lexus, and infiniti.
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