damn, i just wasted about 4 hours of my life today. played GTA: VC, and I was having a hard time passing this one mission, so i blew up the car i was supposed to race (spanwed a tank), and made a slow lap around the track. the game didn't like that at all, and it basically crashed the game, so all the missions i had completed today were down the drain. some were some hard ones too. damn. almost makes me not want to play.
on another note, time warner called today saying they were gonna wire us for cable for free for a month, and half price for 6 months. so i reluctantly said yes. only shows i miss are the forensic science shows. other than smallville i don't watch TV. wei and i have been doing quite well without it. now i'm starting to regret the decision. oh well, first month is free, and i'm free to cancel whenever.
last few days have been pretty kick back. my friend from torrance came by, and met them at friday's at 11pm on monday. ate a few bite sized appetizers, met his friend, and possibly found a church to go to. gotta dust my bible. my beliefs are still solid. i just haven't been going for years. its funny cause in torrance, all my friends were christian. i moved to san diego, and no one was. well, going to church just helps me become a better person overall. helps me improve as a person in just about every way possible. it motivates me to improve things i would not take upon myself to improve.
yesterday in my wellness class, the agenda for that day was stretching. we did about 10-15 stretches, and both jonna and kim (trainers) were very impressed with my flexibility. about every stretch i did, they kept saying, "for a guy, you're pretty flexbile. wow, that's amazing." they kept saying that for just about every stretch we did. inflating my ego every time they did that. i think there are 2 key factors on why i'm pretty flexible. one being just being born just a smidge more flexible than my classmates at PE. the other one being how much i spend each day stretching the muscles that need a some stretching, and stretching the muscles i plan on working out (and during workouts). i also recently made my wednesdays "work on flexibility" days.
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