Friday, January 10, 2003

As a guy trying to build muscle, reduce fat, and be healthy, you eat to accomplish three things. Get all your daily nutrients (vitamins, minerals, fiber, fats, carbs, proteins), raise metabolism, boost testosterone.

All meals I try to do a the 40-30-30 ratio from carbs-protein-fat.

I eat for breakfast

1/2 a penut butter & strawberry jam sandwich on whole wheat bread(high carbs is okay in the morning) with a protein shake.

Rest of the day

1 bowl of Protein Plus Cereal (sold at albertsons, and sometimes Vons) with Lactaid Fat Free Milk

1 apple (for complex carbohydrates, lots of fiber)

1 banana (for the potassium)

1 serving of baby carrots raw (for complex carbohydrates, and fiber)

various slices of whole wheat bread (to balance out the carbs, and for complex carbos and fiber)

various servings of raw almonds (to balance out the fat, fiber)

various numbers of Premier Protein Bar (to balance out the protein)

Power Bar or Yoplait Yogurt (post workout meal should consist of more carbs to protein)

Balance Bar Gold. I eat these bars for convienience. So I just grab the bar and go. I don't really crave bars.

So I don't go absolutely crazy eating so plain, I try to eat a sensible dinner. A lesson taken from Slim Fast. Not.

Usually consists of beef, chicken or fish, with various assortment of vegetables. I try to minimize the carbs since you are eating this at night.

For the supplements and others:

4 scoops of Glutapro (Protein Shake with Glutamine, also helps me balance out the protein)

5-10g of Creatine

1 Centrum (Multivitamin)

1000mg of Vitamin C

1000mg of Fish Oil (for the Omega-3 fatty acids)

1000mg of Calcium (if I had to choose one supplement, I'd choose calcium)

1000mg of Glucosamine with Chondrotin

1 cup of Green Tea (for antioxidents, and boost metabolism)

1 cup of Coffee (to temporarily boost metabolism)

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