Monday, May 6, 2002

First day I played DDR at home: 1/26/2002

First day I went to the gym to bike: 3/17/2002

First day I went to the gym to work out with machines, and dumb bells: 3/22/2002

Day I started to seperate lifting and the cardio exercises completely: 3/29/2002

Day I started to do bike correctly to achieve an efficient cardio workout: 3/31/2002

Started changing my diet gradually: 4/1/2002

First day to plateau for 12 minutes on the bike at my max: 4/4/2002

Changed my diet completely: 4/17/2002

Day I started to work out on mostly freeweights: 4/30/2002

Incorporation of the protein bar into my diet: 5/5/2002

To do:

Protein shake, and 40-30-30 cereal. Not really something i have to do, but i would like to incorporate it into my diet in the future. I wish they sold it at costco. : ) I don't like buying stuff through the Internet anymore. 2 other things i can do is go to rimac and start running. i'm not sure how i can fit those in my schedule, but i would like to get that incorporated. All 4 things are not necessities. I can not do them, for as long as I want and still achieve levels i'm looking for, but would definitely help in the process of achieving goals.

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