things are starting to look brighter
i can't really say i'm at the home stretch of this injury. what it has taught me is that even though i get significantly better each week, i have a lot of significant progress to make. i have, just in the last week, developed a routine that will basically eliminate mild to moderate inflammation within a few hours. severe inflammation proably would take a day. this helps me tremendously. makes me feel a lot better, and my body can continue to heal faster without inflammation.
my first win at chess
after about 20 games or so, i was finally able to beat the computer. but i'm still in the beginning stages and still suck at chess. i think the's difficulty on level 1 is set way too hard. it might not play like BIG BLUE, but it never makes any mistakes and always thinks 2 steps ahead of your every move. hard to jump on the steep learning curve. on level 1, the computer should at least make some mistakes a beginning player would.
anyone a big Twilight Zone fan? i thought i was going to have to spend half a grand on the Twilight Zone collection because it would be impossible to find all the episodes online. well, i was wrong. I finished yesterday. Exactly a month from the day I started. if anyone wants a copy, bring a 40 gig hard drive with ya next time. it wasn't as hard as NewsRadio that was a 3 month long project, but then again, i wasn't there to watch it 18 hours a day.
So now I have complete collections of:
24 (permanent)
Alias (soon to be deleted)
CSI (permanent)
CSI: Miami
NewsRadio (will be replaced by official DVDs)
Seinfeld (permanent)
Sopranos (deleted, all gone)
The Twilight Zone (permanent)
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