Tuesday, May 13, 2003

did anyone have one of these growing up?

click on the image to hear the "demo". here's a link for the full information on the Casio VL-Tone.

if i remember correctly, it was a few years after my dad left Korea to establish somethinig in the United States. Can't remember if he brought it with him when he came back to Korea to visit for a few days, or if he had it sent by mail. Being from a poor family, we had never seen anything like it before. When we got it, we were amazed by this small piece of rock solid electronics that could do so much and sounded amazing at the time. we put it through so much use and it still had no problems. it kept me and my siblings entertained for quite some time. i think it was the one thing that we did bring over from Korea when we moved here. this piece of electronics is a big reference point to what i remember from growing up in Korea. that's why when I heard the partial clip of homestarrunner.com's strong bad email "crazy cartoon", i realized i had to find the whole sound clip to listen to and keep. it's rad that he refers to the song as "the demo".

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