Friday, December 13, 2002

you guessed it. more pictures of UCSD! you can go to this school for 4 years and never really get to see the whole campus. fortunately, i've been around a lot more than the average student having worked at resnet for 4 years, and there are going to be a lot more pictures i would like to take of the campus. of course i would like to take more pictures of things away from campus but the day is short during this season. and you can't go too far for lunch.

oh yeah, today, i found this sign on the water cooler at work.

as you know dihydrogen monoxide is long for H2O. this flyer got posted all around our part of campus. i think it was found to be a visual art's final project. and people were not amused. especially dumb people were actually calling in concerned about the substance they've been drinking all the time. it even said it was from the environmental health and safety department...which was not true. someone stole one of the flyers before it got taken off and taped it to our water cooler at work for safe keeping. to preserve the moment i thought it deserve a snapshot.

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